Intervenor Course

13th February 2019

SEA Training

During January, SEA’s training coordinator organised an intervenor course alongside Jenny Fletcher. The course was specifically for SEA staff to attend so they could have more knowledge for working with our Deafblind clients. However, we also extended the course for individuals outside of our organisation.  We were pleased to be joined by three members of staff from the charity Deaf Active, whom SEA work closely work with.

In association with NatSIP
The training course was run by Jenny Fletcher who is one of the providers from NatSIP. It is a nationally recognised training course for intervenors. Therefore, we wanted our staff to take part in this course, because as SEA grows we are expanding our care for people who are registered as Deafblind. The course delivered by Jenny is recognised training for those who work on a 1:1 basis with children and adults who are MSI / Deafblind.

The course also meets the requirements of the Intervenor Standards issued by NatSIP and the DfE and has been accredited with the University of Northampton (in process of being renewed).

Intervenor course logo

Intervenor Course includes:intervenor course

  1. Causes and implications of Deafblindness
  2. Visual and Hearing Impairment
  3. Communication and Touch Interaction
  4. The role of the Intervenor
  5. Mobility and Orientation
  6. Interactive Environments

After the 5 day course, all of the participants received a certificate for attendance and will be regarded as Trained Intervenors. Furthermore, they are eligible to join the National Organisation of Intervenors and attend annual NOI Network days.

SEA staff thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this course and they have gained more skills and a qualification to help them with their work with deafblind clients at SEA.

Our next course

Following the success of the intervenor course in January, we are continuing to work with Jenny to provide more intervenor courses at SEA. Another course has been booked for Monday 29th April – Friday 3rd May.  Again, SEA staff will attend however, we also want to invite anyone external from our organisation to sign up. We welcome anyone to come and join SEA at the course. But below states who the course is specifically designed for.

Intervenor CourseIntervenor course.

The Intervenor course is designed for:


Interested? Email for more information.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Jenny for delivering the course.

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