How SEA removes barriers for Deaf people in the workplace

5th November 2018

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At SEA we pride ourselves in removing barriers D/deaf people face in the workplace

Many D/deaf people face barriers within the workplace. Here at SEA we aim to remove any barriers and have created a workplace that is inclusive for everybody. Currently a lot of research is being conducted on barriers in the workforce for people who are D/deaf.

Barriers in employment

Deaf people face many barriers in the workplace e.g. communication issues, feeling left out and phone conversations. However, a huge barrier in the workplace is the lack of deaf awareness.

How SEA remove barriers

Making the deaf employed by having no barriers

On our application process we have the option to select whether you are D/deaf or not. Therefore, we know whether we need to provide a BSL interpreter for a potential interview. Furthermore, the interviewers at SEA will all use BSL, so we can provide signing interviews.

SEA provide a fully accessible workplace for people who are D/deaf. 75% of our staff are deaf so communication between colleagues is no issue. Many of the managers are deaf and all can sign fluently. We also communicate with our staff via text and video call.

BSL spelt out in signA lot of the information we provide for our staff is given through BSL videos. Furthermore, we have access to sign interpreters at SEA and encourage staff to apply for an Access to Work budget. We understand that written English can be a challenge for people who use BSL. We encourage visual materials where possible and the use of interpreters for paperwork and phone calls.

SEA believe in breaking down barriers so that deaf and hearing people have equal access to do their job effectively and to be given opportunities for promotion to management positions. 


Click here to look at our previous blog on Deaf Awareness.

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